‘The Weekend Instagram Takeovers’ is the Conflictorium’s first foray into exploring the possibilities and potential of the digital medium. We invited practitioners from varying walks of life to take over our Instagram channel on weekends to voice their message without any intervention and mediation from our side - curatorially or editorially. Indu Rohit talked over our Instagram handle to give us insight into the work she does.
Indu Rohit is the Joint Director of Dalit Shakti Kendra (DSK), Gujarat, and is a charismatic musician, filmmaker and actor. As the head of DSK she has trained over 10,000 young women and men in vocational and life skills thus far. She has acted in several plays such as Me, Savitri Phule, Kasturba and Akupar.
Indu shreds light on the caste discrimination which plays out in our daily life. She talks about ‘Rampatra’, a vessel of inequality- it becomes visible when untouchability is practised in Indian societies. Usually, when we have guests over or when we visit someone’s house, there is a tradition to welcome guests by offering them chai.
में सावित्री फुले. ( I Savitri Phula)