In an increasingly polarized world, existing in binaries, where conscious division on the basis of identity has become the norm, the Conflictorium stands for the in-between, beyond the black and white, where the shades of grey are acknowledged and celebrated for the cause of peace.
In doing so, we at the Conflictorium envision ourselves as a medium that helps build bridges creatively; highlighting how social change is possible through innovation.
Through this, we aim to –
- Collaborate with all actors to reduce violent tension and to find creative community-led solutions to conflict.
- Add existing knowledge on conflict and build new paradigms, while giving space to expression of innate feelings.
- Be a resource centre on ‘peace and conflict’ using art, law, culture and the behavioral sciences in an integrated way.
- Contemporize the discourse on conflict by promoting acceptance of conflict as necessary to human refinement and promoting dialogue on contentious issues.
- Build a case for informed policy which allows for community expression through artistic and cultural practice.
Support vulnerable groups to set up a ‘Conflictorium’ in their own spaces, so that violence is reduced and differences are celebrated.
Build an interdisciplinary team of young, creative and diverse professionals who want to make a difference to themselves and to others.
Start making a difference from where we are located. The centre-periphery tensions need to be nurtured.
Create a Co-laboratory where people and institutions who want to invest in peace and creative tension are welcome.